Tell me if this sounds familiar...
*Sigh* I've tried everything.
The worst part? I really don't know why she left. I'm a good guy, I don't cheat, hit, or take her for granted. I always thought I was a great catch. She and I are perfect together - she always says that.
But for the past couple months or so, things haven't felt the same. She was somehow distant, cold. I figured it was just her new job. I never figured she was planning to leave.
But she did. It was like someone dropped a ton of bricks on me. I was - and still am - devastated.
So I've tried calling, texting and leaving notes. Seems the harder I try, the further away she's pushed.
I can't sleep, I'm loosing weight from not eating, drinking like a fish, and I can't listen to the radio because every song makes me cry...
I think just about everyone has gone through the pain of a breakup. And guess what? The harder you try to get them back, the worse you make it. See, if you are the one that gets dumped, you'll try anything to salvage the relationship. And unfortunately, the things most people naturally try are completely wrong.
Do you know what the definition of insanity is?
Insanity is trying the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Are you trying the insanity route?
If you really want your ex back, and are willing to try a different approach, I urge you to take a look at:
Magic of Making Up
The approaches presented in this book are not theory. They are tried and tested by hundreds of satisfied formerly heartbroken people.
Don't suffer another day. Please do yourself a favor and take a look...
Magic of Making Up

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